Sunday 15 April 2012

Timeline 3

Hey guys, 
I hope we do 80% of our project by the end of 16APril
  1. Make the following pose in a boy & girl 3d model. (It doesn't need any animation just put the models in the following pose) (Shane) >> by tonight

  1. Smoke on top of the coffee cup (I want to animate it) (Maja) >> by tonight

  1. Animate the coffee package (Farzad) Reference: >> by tonight

  1. Animate the coffee smokes (Farzad) >> by tonight
  2. Animate the coffee bean that falls down to the coffee box (By Farzad) Reference: >> by tonight

  1. Design coffee poster (Maja)   >> by tonight
  1. Provide a music for our animation (Majan)>> by tonight
  2. Animate the coffee boxes that fall down and fill the scene (By Farzad) >> by 17April
  3. Make an animation for world map seq to show with most coffee consumption and coffee producing countries. I suggest to show the map in 3/4view and rotate the cam to the top view at the end. Also rise up related countries. Please Post a few sentences about this seq then I will use them in AE.   (By Andrew) >> by tonight
  4. Regarding the following image please let me post the name of most producers by order of producing (By Shane)  >> by tonight
  1. Upload the coffee house (By Maja)  >> by tonight
  2. Upload the truck/plane model (By Shane) >> by tonight
  3. Finalize the animation in AE (By Farzad)  >> by 17April

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