- The screen shows a dark brown background and a text in the center that shows the title of the animation.
More detailed description: A larger and bigger sentence in the center fades in and then a shorter and smaller sentence fades in. The second part of the smaller sentence fades out and is replaced with with other words:
xxxxx xxxx xx x x x x xx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx
xxxxx xxxx xx x x x x xx xxxxxx xxxxx
What we need: 3 sentences
- The text fades out and a drop of cream falls down into the dark background, which is actually coffee. Coffee waves become apparent because of the drop falling down.
What we need: Simulate a liquid in a cup
- Camera rotates from top view to the side view
More detailed description: Blurry background
- The camera zoom out and shows a man who is holding a cup of coffee close to his mouth, from front view
What we need: A 3d model of man which is rigged to be able to drink a cup of coffee. Just the upper body has to be rigged. The model has to be animated to shows a drinking cycle with smooth facial gestures.
- The man is traced and changes from 3d to 2d mode
More detailed description: The 3d to 2d conversion of background has to comprise the feeling of drinking. The background could be like an old and crumpled paper. A cup of coffee is drawn on the background.
What we need: A lot of videos which show 3d to 2d conversion with different effects.
- Coffee starts to flow down through the esophagus to the stomach. A clock that is connected to the stomach extends to the right of the man’s body. A text is shown ( Coffee provides the body with antioxidants. It can reduce the risk of certain cancers by up to 24%)
More detailed description: The clock shows the time that takes for coffee to cause its effect
- Coffee enters the vessels and the connection line fades out.
- Coffee goes to the brain. The clock rings and shows the the start of coffee effect. The brain pulses one time.
More detailed description: The time of effect has to appear on top of the clock and then fade out. A sphere around the head is moving the sphere is a network from the caffeine formula
- Camera zooms in the brain, and the brain surface including the brain receptors is shown.
More detailed description: An animation shows the effects of adenosine in the brain
- Camera zooms out and the screen changes from brain surface to the body (body is shown with the muscles instead of blood system)
- Camera zooms in on the head immediately and shows the heart pulse
- Camera zooms out and the body starts to animate and its pose is changed to focus in the biceps. During this animation camera zooms on the biceps muscle and shows the them growing in volume
- Camera zooms out again and shows 3 cups of coffee entering the background one by one. As each one enters, the muscles grow a little bit in volume
- The scene becomes dark.
- two bloody cartoon eyes open from close shot and information is shown ( drinking coffee before going to sleep or heavy usage, 6-8 cups of coffee, can cause trouble in sleeping)
- The information keeps coming with some related thumbnails from right and left side of the eyes and the eyes turn to the information when it is shown.
More detailed description: Information is:
- heavy usage, 6-8 cups of coffee, can cause abnormal heart activity (show a heart with stronger pulses
- heavy usage, 6-8 cups of coffee, can lead to muscle tremor/ Trembling and twitching
- heavy usage, 6-8 cups of coffee, can lead to muscle tremor/ Trembling and twitching
- heavy usage, 6-8 cups of coffee, can be unhealthy and cause restlessness
- The camera zooms in on the left eye and the reflect of a cup of coffee with an animated cartoon smoke on top of it. The eye will be a little shaky as an indication of the stress in the eye
- The camera zooms more and shows just the cup of coffee and the black background which is actually the eye.
- Camera zooms out and shows a lot of cups of coffee in the scene
- Camera keeps zooming out and all of the cups are changed to the seeds of coffe
- The 2d seeds change to 3d and all fall down
- The camera comes down and the seeds drop on a white ground where a stem of coffee is being shown
- The coffee stem is traced and is shown in a white background and some information about coffee plant pops up
- A seed of coffee falls down from the stem to the ground
- The seed of coffee falls down on many other seeds
- The camera zooms out and shows the first machine in a coffee production plant
- Coffee production process in 2D...
- Coffee packages are moving on a transport roll
- Camera rotates and shows the roll in a front view, coffee packages move towards the camera and fall down
- The camera zooms out more and shows the man standing in a coffee farm
- Camera comes down and shows a stem of a coffee plant and its seeds
- The coffee stem is traced and is shown in a white background and some information about coffee plant pops up
- A seed of coffee falls down from the stem to the ground
- The seed of coffee falls down on many other seeds
- The camera zooms out and shows the first machine in a coffee production plant
- Coffee production process in 2D...
- Coffee packages are moving on a transport roll
- Camera rotates and shows the roll in a front view, coffee packages move towards the camera and fall down
- The background is white, some information about the production and supply of coffee is shown in text. Also, coffee packages continue to fall down
- The information keeps coming and coffee packages continue to fall down
- The information keeps coming until the whole page gets filled with boxes. The main suppliers’ names in the world is shown on the boxes (Companies with more share in the supply will have their name on more boxes)
- The cabinet door starts to close as if the coffee packages are in the cabinet and the background goes white
- The world map appears in ¾ view and the largest manufacturers of coffee start raise from the map. Numbers counts the percentage of the production on top of each of these countries. The color of countries changes from yellow to dark brown based on their production.
- The camera rotates from ¾ to top view and the map colors change to a single color. Some flags drop on the coffee consumer countries by order of their consumption
- The camera zooms on the map of Canada and the map starts to be colored with different colors upward. The colors shows the main coffeehouses that exist in Canada
- The colors divide the map so that the area of each color is equal the amount of each coffeehouse sales in Canada
- Canada map rotate vertically 360 degrees and an image of a cup of coffee is sketched. Some information about coffee consumption per Canadian is shown while the sketch of the cup is being colored. Some steam appears rising from the cup of coffee.
- The cup of coffee is traced against a white background and it changes to a 3d one which is placed on a white table in a coffeehouse.
- The camera zooms out and shows a man picking up the cup of coffee in a coffeehouse
- When the man starts to drink the camera zooms on the man face.
- The camera zoom out and shows the man in the farm coffee.
- The camera rotates from side view to front view and the man is traced and changes from 3d to 2d mode.
- Coffee starts to come down and the effects of coffee on the man body is shown.
- Effects of coffee in the stomach with some text information
- Effects of coffee in the blood with some text information
- Effects of coffee in the brain with some text information
- Effects of coffee in the muscles with some text information
- Short term effect of coffee on health
- Long term effect of coffee on health
- Coffee diseases
- Animate 2d man from standing to sitting
- draw all background
- change the 2d man and 2d background to 3d
- The man put the cup of coffee on the white table and says the conclusion
- Camera rotate to top view and zoom in the coffee
- some text about the producers,... is shown on the dark background
- The text fades out and a drop of cream falls down into the dark background, which is actually coffee. Coffee waves become apparent because of the drop falling down
- Black background - Finish!
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